3.1 Splendid Mansion

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you are very mighty and your beauty illuminates all the directions. Many gods and goddesses decorated with divine jewelry dance and sing to entertain you. You are superior to all of them in status and happiness. Your mansion is very beautiful. It is made of gold. You spend your time here very happily.

What kind of merit did you do to receive this result?

Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have such beauty as well as all these wonderful things?

That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.

Before I was born here, I lived in the human world. I was a daughter-in-law in a very greedy family that did not have any faith in the Triple Gem. But I had unshakable confidence in the Triple Gem and I followed the Five Precepts. I delighted in giving and sharing. One day, Bhante, you came on your almsround and I offered you an oil cake.
When my mother-in-law came home, I told her, “Mother, today a monk came here. I was happy and offered an oil cake with my own hands.” My mother-in-law scolded me saying, “You are a disobedient and evil girl. You did not get permission from me to give an oil cake to a monk.”

She got very angry and hit me with a grinding stone, breaking my shoulder. My injury was very serious and I did not live long after that. After death, I escaped from suffering in the human world and was born among devas in Tavatimsa Heaven.

Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful goddess and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.

3.2 Sugar-Cane Mansion

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you shine like the sun which illuminates the sky and the earth. You shine like a great Brahma who shines brighter than Sakka and the Tavatimsa devas. You surpass others with your beauty, fame, and power.

Devata, you wear blue lotus garlands, your skin is the color of gold, and you wear beautiful dresses. Now that you are worshiping me, I ask you, who are you?

What kind of meritorious action did you do in the past? Did you practice generosity well, or follow the precepts? How have you been born in this heaven? What action have you done to earn this result?

Bhante, in this same village which we are in right now, you came to our house on your almsround. I was pleased to see you. I offered you a small piece of sugar-cane with a delighted heart.

Later, when my mother-in-law came home, she asked me, “Daughter-in-law, where did you put my sugar-cane?” I told her, “I neither threw it away nor ate it. I offered it to a peaceful monk.” My mother-in-law got very angry. Scolding me she said, “Hey! Are you the owner of this house or am I? Who makes the decisions here?” She hit me with a chair and I died instantly. I was reborn as a devata in this heaven.

That was the meritorious action I did. This is how I enjoy this divine happiness surrounded by gods. The god Sakka protects the Tavatimsa Heaven and the Tavatimsa devas protect me. The result of the offering of a small piece of sugar-cane was not small. It generated great fruit. I enjoy happiness in the heavenly Nandana Park like the god Sakka.

Bhante, you are very compassionate and wise. I came here to ask about your well-being and worship you. I have received all these wonderful things having offered a small piece of sugar-cane to you willingly and with a very happy mind.

3.3 Couch Mansion

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you are sitting on a very comfortable couch decorated with many jewels and gold and covered with flowers. While resting here you demonstrate your wide range of psychic powers.

You are surrounded by many other goddesses who are singing, dancing and entertaining you. You are very powerful. What good deed did you do in your previous human life? What is the reason that you are very beautiful and shine in all directions?

Bhante, in the human world I was a daughter-in-law in a very wealthy family. I never got angry at my husband and was very obedient to him. I was dedicated to practicing the Dhamma and observed the Eight Precepts happily four times a month on each of the four moon phases.

From a very young age, I was an honest wife. I tried to please my husband by day and by night. I started following the precepts when I was very young.

I abstained from killing beings, stealing, using intoxicants, and lying. My bodily conduct was very pure. I protected my celibate life well. I practiced virtue in an unbreakable way.

I observed the Eight Precepts four times a month on each of the four moon phases and protected them happily. Observance of the Eight Precepts four times a month brings great happiness to the mind.

I followed the Noble Eightfold Path which brings happy results. I was also obedient to my husband and acted in a pleasing way. I was a disciple of the Supreme Buddha from an early age.

These were the meritorious deeds I did when I lived in the human world. These specific deeds led me to a rebirth in heaven. Now I am very powerful here. This delightful mansion is very beautiful. Many beautiful goddesses entertain me. I have been born in an excellent heaven where gods have long lifespans.

3.4 Lata’s Mansion

The famous god Sakka and the god Vessavana have beautiful daughters named Lata, Sajja, Pavara, Acchimukhi, and Suta. They shine due to their good qualities.

One day, these five daughters went to a magnificent river near the Himalayan Mountains to bathe. The water of the river was very cool and full of blue lotuses. These goddesses bathed in that river and sang and danced.

Goddess Suta:
Dear Lata, your skin is the color of gold, you are wearing lotus garlands decorated with golden flowers, and you have beautiful copper colored eyes. You are as beautiful as the clear sky. You will also live here for a very long time.
Please tell us, dear Lata, what kind of meritorious actions did you do in your past life to get all these wonderful things?

Fortunate sister, how were you so pleasing to your husband? Your beauty is magnificent. You are a very talented dancer and singer. Many gods and goddesses are eager to know your past meritorious deeds.

Goddess Lata:
In my previous life, I lived in the human world. I was a daughter-in-law in a very rich family. I was very obedient to my husband and never got angry at him. I was dedicated in observing the Eight Precepts. I was an honest and virtuous wife from a young age. I always made my husband happy and I tried my best to help my parents-in-law, my brother-in-law, and the servants. That is how I collected merit.

Due to those wholesome actions, I have received great divine long life, beauty, happiness, and strength. I live very happily enjoying divine entertainment.

Goddess Suta:
Sisters, haven’t you heard about these meritorious deeds that Lata described? She explained it to us very well. Being virtuous wives we certainly know the value of husbands. We treated our husbands like gods. Since we respected our husbands, we were able to be loyal wives to them as Lata did. Those were the meritorious lives we lived which led us to this heaven.

A brave lion that lives in a mountain forest hunts weak animals and eats their flesh. So too, if a wife leads a virtuous life as a devoted disciple of the Buddha, is loyal to her husband, and controls her anger and greed, then such a wife enjoys a heavenly rebirth.

3.5 Guttila’s Mansion

The music teacher Guttila had an arrogant student who challenged him to a competition. Guttila called on the god Sakka for assistance.

Teacher Guttila:
God Sakka, I was the one who taught my pupil Musila how to play sweet music on the guitar. But now my student has challenged me in a guitar competition. Please, Sakka, help me.

God Sakka:
Yes, certainly I will help you. I always honor teachers. The pupil will not defeat you. Teacher, you will defeat the pupil.

Upon seeing the goddesses who had come along with the god Sakka, Guttila questioned them. In the time of the Supreme Buddha, Moggallana Bhante asked them the very same questions,

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.

What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?

Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?

That devata, delighted at being questioned by Moggallana Bhante, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.

A woman who offers clothes is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

Look at my divine mansion. I am a powerful goddess. I can change my appearance into any form I wish. I am the best of a thousand goddesses. Imagine the result of my meritorious deed.

Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.

A group of devatas, one by one, answered the same question as follows:

A woman who offers flowers is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers perfumes is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers fruit is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

A woman who offers delicious foods is the best among men and women. In this way, the one who gives pleasing things, is reborn in heaven and receives divine happiness that delights the heart.

I offered five kinds of fragrances to the stupa that held the relics of Kassapa Buddha…

When I saw monks and nuns traveling along the road, I listened to the Dhamma from them and I observed Eight Precepts just for one day…

While I was standing in water, I happily offered water to a monk…

My mother-in-law and father-in-law were harsh, rough, and easily got angry, but I did not hate them nor did I say bad words to them, I treated them well and I followed Eight Precepts diligently…

I worked for others as a servant girl. I was not lazy and worked hard. I was not arrogant and did not hate others. I was happy to share whatever I had with others…

I offered milk-rice to a monk who was going on almsround. Having done similar meritorious deeds, now I enjoy heavenly happiness…

I offered a piece of golden sugar…

I offered a small piece of sugarcane…

I offered some timbaru fruit…

I offered some sweet cucumber…

I offered some cucumber…

I offered some creeper fruits…

I offered some pharusaka flowers…

I offered a pan for burning coals…

I offered a handful of vegetables…

I offered a handful of small flowers…

I offered a bundle of lotus roots…

I offered a handful of nimb leaves…

I offered some sour gruel…

I offered an oil-seed cake…

I offered a waistband…

I offered a shoulder-strap…

I offered a bandage…

I offered a fan…

I offered a palm-leaf fan…

I offered a peacock-feather fly-whisk…

I offered an umbrella…

I offered a pair of sandals…

I offered an oil-cake…

I offered a sweetmeat…

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.

What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?

Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?

That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.

I gave sweet cake to a monk who was on his almsround. Having done similar meritorious deeds, now I enjoy heavenly happiness.

Look at my divine mansion, I am a powerful goddess. I can change my appearance into any form I wish. I am the best of a thousand goddesses. Imagine the result of my meritorious deed.

Because of this meritorious deeds, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Great Bhante, those were the meritorious deeds I did to have such a beautiful body which shines in all directions.

Teacher Guttila:
It is wonderful indeed, that I have come here today. This day has started pleasantly. I have seen beautiful goddesses who are able to change their appearance as they wish.

I learned the Dhamma from them. I will do lots of meritorious deeds by giving, keeping the precepts, and restraining myself. If I do this, one day I too will be born in heaven where there is no sadness.

3.6 Dazzling Mansion

Devata Bhadda:
Devata, you are dazzling and shining in beauty, surrounded by many goddesses. You surpass all the other Tavatimsa devas in beauty.

I have not seen you before. This is the first time I have seen you. From which heaven did you come? You called me by name.

Devata Subhadda:
Dear sister, in my previous life when I was in the human world, my name was Subhadda. I was your younger sister and was a co-wife with you. After death, I departed the human world and was reborn among the devas in the Nimmanarati Heaven.

Devata Bhadda:
Those who have collected much merit are reborn in Nimmanarati Heaven. So you too have been born in this wonderful heaven, haven’t you? Famous devata, who taught you to collect merit? What kind of offering did you make? What kind of precepts did you follow? We ask you, how did you gain all these wonderful things? Please tell us what meritorious deed this is the result of.

Devata Subhadda:
In my previous life when I was in the human world, I had confidence in the community of monks. They were worthy of offerings, so I offered food to eight monks with my own hands.

Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.

Sister, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body which shines in all directions.

Devata Bhadda:

My mind also had confidence in those monks. But I offered them much more food than you did. Yet, I have been born in a lower heavenly world than you. Having offered very little, how did you receive more happiness than me? Of what meritorious deed is this the result?

Devata Subhadda:
I knew a noble monk named Revata and was inspired by him. One day I invited eight monks along with Revata Bhante, with the intention of making individual offerings. Out of compassion for me, and to help me gain more merit, Revata Bhante told me not to make individual offerings but to make an offering to the Noble Sangha, the whole community of monks. I did exactly as he advised.

My offering was made to the Noble Sangha which has immeasurable virtues. But since you offered food to individual monks, your offering was not as fruitful.

Devata Bhadda:
Oh, only now do I know that offering to the Noble Sangha as a whole bears greater fruit. When I go back to the human world, I will make offerings to the Noble Sangha and I will look after the Noble Sangha well. Letting go of greed, I will collect merit diligently.

God Sakka:
Devata Bhadda, who is this devata that you are speaking with? Her beauty surpasses all other devas in the Tavatimsa Heaven.

Devata Bhadda:
God Sakka, Leader of the Devas, in my previous human life she was my younger sister. We were co-wives of the same husband. She has offered food to the Noble Sangha and collected vast amounts of merit. That is why she shines so brilliantly.

God Sakka:
Oh Devata Bhadda, your younger sister has offered food to the Noble Sangha and as a result she shines so brilliantly.
One day, the Supreme Buddha was staying on the mountain named Vulture’s Peak. I asked the Blessed One to whom should one offer food to get the greatest benefits? The Supreme Buddha had an excellent knowledge of actions and their results. The Blessed One answered, “If one wants to gain the most merit and be reborn in heaven, they should make offerings to the Noble Sangha. There are four types of disciples practicing the Path and four other types who have achieved the fruits of the Path. They are virtuous, mindful, and wise.”

Devata, I know very well that this Noble Sangha has immeasurable virtues. Their lives are full of good qualities like the great ocean. They are the disciples of the best teacher among humans. These disciples illuminate the world by spreading the Dhamma.

If someone offers food and drink to the community of the Noble Sangha that gift will bear immense results. The Knower of the World, the Buddha, praised giving and encouraged people to give offerings to the Noble Sangha.
Once offerings are made to the Noble Sangha, the givers should recollect that gift and then they will have delighted hearts. They will live rejoicing in their generous nature. As a result, they will be able to be born in a wonderful heaven.

3.7 Sesavati’s Mansion

Vangisa Bhante:
Dear Devata, your mansion is very beautiful. Silver and golden nets dangle from walls made of crystal. There are beautifully decorated archways and golden sand spread throughout the compound. When the sun shines in autumn, darkness is dispelled in all directions and the sky blazes. Such is your mansion. It glows just like a fire blazing in the night sky. It blinds the eye as though it were lightning. Music from guitars and drums, and clapping hands echo throughout your mansion, just like in Inda’s city, which is full of entertainment. Your mansion is surrounded by jasmine flowers and red, white, and blue lotuses. Trees with blossoming sala and asoka flowers spread sweet fragrance all around.

Beautiful Devata, delightful pools surround your mansion. Their water is like blue gems. On the banks of those pools, there are beautiful sweetly scented trees and blossoming vines overhanging palm trees. All types of flowers that grow in water and trees that grow on land, both in the human and the heavenly world, can be found around your mansion.
When you were in the human world, what precepts did you follow to get this result? How did you receive this divine mansion with wonderful pleasures?

Around my mansion live various types of divine birds such as herons, peacocks, partridges, ducks, geese, and cuckoos. Their songs can be heard all around. My mansion is surrounded by many types of divine trees and flowers such as trumpet flowers, rose-apple, and asoka trees. It is very beautiful. I will explain how I have obtained it.
Bhante, when I was in the human world, I lived in a village called Nalaka which is in the eastern part of Magadha province. I was a daughter-in-law there. My name was Sesavati.

The Arahant Sariputta Bhante attained final Nibbana at passing away. He possessed immeasurable good qualities. He was honored and respected by gods and men. He was very skilled at analyzing and explaining the Dhamma. I was also very pleased with that quality. I offered fragrant flowers to his sacred body.

He was in his final life and bearing his final body. He was a great seer. That great Bhante attained final Nibbana at passing away without leaving anything in this world.

I offered sweet-smelling flowers to his body during his funeral. Due to that meritorious deed, after death I was reborn in this Tavatimsa Heaven.

3.8 Mallika’s Mansion

Narada Bhante:
Devata, you are dressed in divine golden clothes and gold jewelry. Golden banners are waving in the sky. Even without this jewelry, your beauty shines brightly. You are wearing gold bangles, bracelets, and a necklace of gems. You wear a gold crown on your head and your body is covered with a golden net.

You are decorated with various types of garlands made from gold, rubies, pearls, beryl and cat’s-eye jewels. These garlands produce sweet music like the songs of peacocks, geese, and cuckoos. Your divine chariot is also decorated with beautiful gems and the color of each part on the chariot is well matched.

Your beauty shines in all directions when you travel in this chariot. Devata, what kind of meritorious actions did you do to receive this result?

When I was in the human world, I learned about the death of Gautama Supreme Buddha who possessed immeasurable good qualities. With a very happy mind, I made a golden net and decorated it with jewels, gold, and pearls. Then I offered it to the Supreme Buddha.

In this way, I collected much merit as encouraged by the Buddha. That is how I was reborn in heaven and now enjoy happiness without any sorrow.

3.9 Mansion of the Beautiful-Eyed Goddess

God Sakka:
Devata, with large beautiful eyes you walk around surrounded by many other goddesses in the delightful Cittalata Forest. What is your name?

When the gods of the Tavatimsa Heaven enter this forest their bodies, horses, and chariots become more beautiful.
Even though you are not wearing any golden flower jewelry, you are still extremely beautiful. Tell us, what meritorious deed have you done to gain this beauty?

Lord of Devas, I have received this heavenly birth, beautiful body, and divine psychic powers due to my meritorious deeds. I will tell you what I did.

In the human world, I lived in the beautiful city of Rajagaha. My name was Sunanda and I was a female lay disciple of the Supreme Buddha. I had faith, virtue and was very generous. I had great confidence in the noble monks with pure minds. I offered them robes, food, resting places, and lamps.

I was eager to observe the Eight Precepts four times a month on each of the four moon phases. I led a restrained life and delighted in sharing.

I abstained from killing, stealing, lying, and taking intoxicants. I did not cheat on my husband. I was delighted to keep these Five Precepts every day. I was a lay follower of Gautama Supreme Buddha who had the great wisdom to see the reality of the world. I was wise enough to realize the Four Noble Truths.

A servant girl, working for my relatives, used to bring me flower garlands every day. I offered all those flower garlands with a happy mind to the relic stupa of the Supreme Buddha. I also went to relic puja ceremonies every Eight Precepts-Observance day. With great faith, I personally offered garlands, perfumes, and ointments to the stupa. God Sakka, I received this heavenly birth, beautiful body, and divine psychic powers by offering flower garlands.

I also collected merit by keeping the precepts, but that merit has not yet ripened. Lord Sakka, in my mind I have the desire to be a once-returner.

3.10 Coral Tree Mansion

Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, this coral tree is beautiful and delightful. You are making garlands from the flowers of that tree while singing happily. When you dance, beautiful divine sounds and fragrance spread from your limbs. As you dance and as your hair waves, the bells on your hair play beautiful music. Also, as wind blows on the garland-crown on your head it plays beautiful music. Your garland-crown looks and smells very beautiful like a manjusaka tree full of fragrant flowers.

Do you smell these scents? Have you seen your beauty? We now ask you, what kind of meritorious actions did you do to have gained these results?

When I was in the human world, one day I made a garland out of asoka flowers. It was so pretty and smelled delightful. I offered that flower garland to the Supreme Buddha.

In this way, I practiced lots of meritorious deeds as encouraged by the Buddha. This is why today I live very happily in this heaven without any sorrow or pain.